Why Would a Couple Want a Legal Separation?

Legal Separation Lawyer

Why Would a Couple Want a Legal Separation?

October 28, 2014

Under Ohio law, spouses wishing to divorce have multiple options available: divorce, dissolution, and legal separation.  It is important to consider the psychological ramifications of each option, and understand that finding the right family law attorney in Columbus, Ohio will help you find the match that is right for your situation.   Legal separation is the least drastic option, and many find that this solution will fit their needs. 

Legal separation is when the two spouses decide that it is best for them to live apart, but still remain married.  During this time, neither spouse can remarry.  It is important to commit the legal separation to writing so that the rights of each spouse are protected.  In addition to the protected rights, the legal separation serves as a trial period should the couple decide on divorce, and it protects financial interests of both parties. 

Divorce Mistakes in Ohio

8 Common Mistakes People Make in a Divorce

October 27, 2014

Divorce is not an easy process; often it is a strain on both spouses.  Many couples are so distraught when initially filing for a divorce that they forget to protect their interests or properly prepare for the future. Hiring the right Columbus divorce lawyers can help reduce the amount of distress while finalizing a divorce. Below you will find a list of 8 common mistakes that people make before, during, and after a divorce.

Shared Parenting Columbus Ohio

Shared Parenting v. Sole Custody in Ohio

October 22, 2014

In Columbus, Ohio, child custody lawyers are familiar with the two basic parenting models, shared parenting and sole custody.  The basic differences revolve around how decisions on raising and caring for the children are made.  As always, it is important to consult with a child custody lawyer when filing a divorce, especially when you have young children.  When you settle out of court, you are able to have a more frank and open discussion about custody, and must consider what is best for the child.  It is important to work with child custody lawyers who believe Children Matter Most.

Child Support Lawyer Columbus Ohio

7 FAQs about Child Support in Ohio

October 7, 2014

Understanding the nuances of Child Support can be difficult.  The process of Divorce and supplying child support can be stressful and overwhelming, however finding the right lawyer can help bring clarity to the process.  Below you will find frequently asked questions and general answers.  As in all legal maters, it is important to talk to attorneys focused on Child Support and Family law during the process of divorce or separation.  To learn more about your unique situation, and how these frequently asked questions apply to your specific case, please contact Edward F. Whipps & Associates to schedule an initial consultation.




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