Is the process of your case taking an excessive amount of time and money to resolve? Does the prospect of years of continuing litigation due to appeals and potential re-trials add to the anxiety for you and the other party? As an alternative to the normal process, some parties and their attorneys consider using binding arbitration.
In binding arbitration, the parties select an experienced attorney who is knowledgeable on all of the issues of law involved in their case. This third party is referred to as an arbitrator. It is important that the parties have confidence that the chosen arbitrator will render a fair and impartial decision, because absent gross misconduct by the arbitrator, the arbitrator’s decision will be final and is not subject to appeal by either party.
It is important to remember that matters of custody and visitation cannot be the subject of binding arbitration. Therefore, if these are issues in your case they must be resolved before the arbitration process can begin.
Binding arbitration can offer many benefits, including significantly reduced costs, the freedom from worry of an appeal, significantly reduced time for resolution of the case, and greatly increased privacy. It is also worth noting that despite entering an agreement for binding arbitration, the parties can still reach a settlement of all issues if the proceedings lead them to conclude that settlement would be in their best interest.
At Edward F. Whipps & Associates, we know how to balance the pros and cons of binding arbitration and can help you consider this possibility. In addition, Mr. Whipps has significant experience serving as an arbitrator in binding arbitration proceedings.
Contact an Experienced Attorney Today
If you wish to consider binding arbitration to help resolve your divorce issues, call Edward F. Whipps & Associates to arrange an initial consultation at a mutually convenient time by calling our office at (614) 461-6006 or filling out this online contact form.